
To improve knowledge, awareness and understanding of the needs and aspirations of older people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered or transsexual (LGBT+) in the UK , amongst the public (including the LGBT+ communities), policy-makers and those who provide services that older people use.


  1. To use different means to consult with older LGBT+ people in the UK about their needs and aspirations (for instance an annual, or more frequent survey of members).
  2. To promote the expression of those needs and aspirations by older LGBT+ people in the UK
  3. To respond to Government (local and national) and its agencies on the needs and aspirations of older LGBT+ people in the UK
  4. To sit on various advisory bodies in order to share knowledge and awareness in line with our aim.
  5. To publish and promote, via reports, statements, briefings or web presence, materials that will further our aim.
  6. To co-operate with researchers and other professionals in pursuit of our aim.
  7. To carry out other activities, as needed, that will further our aim.